This summer, during a meeting on the goals, challenges and possibilities of open and linked data, an elderman from Groningen City said he’d like to start introducing
There are many names for a co-creation event on Open Data. Some call it a hackathon, an appathon or a codefest. At Howest Kortrijk in Belgium they decided to call it App Lab.
GOV.UK has published a nice and very useable set of design principles for designing digital services on their site. The page shows 10 principles and examples of how they have been used so far. From starting with needs to making things open.
Say goodbye to expensive parallel registers in public. KL (association of municipalities in Denmark) and the government have agreed to improve and connect the public records of basic data, and at the same time make all information available to private initiatives. This open data initiative provides new opportunities for innovation and growth.
The Open Data Conference in Cambridge showed that the awareness, availability and use of open data have come a long way during the last few years. More and more data are published online in machine readable formats. New tools are developed to enable linkages of data. Data ecosystems are emerging that demonstrate the dependencies between the data provider, intermediary and user to keep data up-to-date. Examples from the conference show that open data is used across Europe in City apps, spending reviews, legal referencing and economic, social and environmental needs assessments.
The Upper Hall, Jesus College, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BL
Conference: Open Data across Europe in Local and National Government - Practical achievements and challenges
Agenda (Draft):
09:15 Registration & refreshments 09:45 Welcome and introduction to the day - Chair - Dr Gesche Schmid, Programme Manager Transparency, Local Government Association 10.00 Keynote – Position in UK / EU - Andrew Stott 10:20 LOD2 project - Sören Auer 10:35 State of Play - Mike Thacker, Porism Ltd, OUP Partner 10:55 Standards in UK & Progress - Paul Davidson, Local eGovernment Standards Body, UK
In June 2012, the Opening Up project organised a conference on open data. During the conference we made some short video interviews with most of the speakers. See what Jeremy Millard, Kim Søvsø Pedersen, Sara Loisa Matikainen, Jacob Østergaard and Rene Nederhand shared on working with open data.
During the Flemish Open Data Day, we had the chance to speak with Andrew Stott on hies views on open data, and their importance for governments. He agreed to do a short video message. In this video he speaks about the role of open data in delivering better information to citizens, building upon this information and letting people participate in government, thus working towards a better service delivery.